Success Dimension Church
This audio/video blog is designed to motivate people and fire them up to the love of Jesus. The Bible is the main textbook, and the central theme is success in life and ministries.
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Friday, February 7, 2014
The Need to Attend Church Services
By Sunday Joseph Adenuga
When the people of God gather themselves together in the church to praise and to worship the Lord of Glory, the land is always brought to subjection before them. Meaning that each of them is brought to a point of personal victory over situations and circumstances of life. In the book of Joshua 18: 1, we read, And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled themselves together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land was subdued before them.
The land will be subdued before you when you gather together with other children of God to praise and to worship the Almighty God. Remember that one of the five fold blessings of God upon man is that he should have power to subdue the earth. Gathering together with other children of God makes tremendous power available to subdue your problem and get the best out of any situation you may ever find yourself.
God loves man so much that after creating him in His own image He blessed him and said, Be Fruitful and Multiply, Replenish the earth and Subdue it, and have Dominion over all things. As a man, you and I have an unsatiable desire to subdue the earth, to overcome our problems. This is the reason we hate any form of oppression from any quarter, we fight to a stand still anything that will stop us from enjoying our lifes to the fullest. Man has overcome almost every obstacle that comes on his way especially in the last one hundred years.
If you also want the power to subdue your enemies and make problems to crawl before you, then you need to discover the art of joing other faithful people to worship God in the church setting at least one's in every week. The power of God is made available when people gather together to praise or worship God. The Bible says, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I AM there in the midst of them." This implies that when more than three people gathers, the Lord will surely be there to bless them. If you want the earth to be subdued before you and to also prosper in all that you do, the missing step may be this, so start attending church services at least one's every week.
In Hebrews 10: 25, we are told, "Not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching." There is a great power made available to individuals when they attend church services that are ordered in the name of the Lord. The supernatural power of the Lord supervised by Angelic beings is made available to help solve people's problems both on individual and corporate level. So look out for a church where they do things in the name of the Lord, that is the place to draw power from.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Success Is My Heritage
Success is inside you, but many people do not know it, this book titled, "Success Is My heritage" will show you how to draw out the success within you.
You have to understand that man is created to succeed. Man is so awesome, he has conquered everything that threatened his existence on planet earth. Man has mastered his environment so much that he has turned this world to near paradise. When you remember that man started his journey on planet earth with almost nothing, he came naked, given nothing but food only. This book will teach you how to discover that thing inside you that has helped man in all ages to overcome difficulties Man is so powerful, no bird in the sky can compete with him in the sky, which bird can fly to the space? Yet man did? Man is so successful, no fish in any ocean can compete with him in their natural habitat (sea). Man is built to succeed; man is built to win. Buy this book now and discover the secrets of success that never fails to help people from the begining of human race on earth. Why are some making it effortlessly and others are roasting away in abject poverty and failure, the secrets are revealed in this book In this book, I will show you That it is the will of God for you to succeed in life That You are born to succeed The seven very important steps to success The seven success strategies (this is powerful) The must have success Attitudes The indespensible success bottons you can begin to press immediately The Success Guards that will help you to safeguard your achieved success.
The book show you the age long plans of success that have helped the men that discover them to rule and reign on earth. Finally, you are about to be in possession of a mystery that have helped people all over the world to cross from failure land to success land. Now, it is your turn to succeed, nobody can have these secrets and remain poor in life, you cannot have these secrets and remain a failure. You can from the very next moment begin to swim in the ocean of success and abundance through the revelation of the success secrets in this book by simply clicking the buy now button below. For only $9.75 you can purchase and download this book now. You can use your credit card or your paypal account to effect the payment, do not delay any further purchase now and start making a success of your life now. Remember that this is the only life you have and you do have the responsibility of making a success of it, let this book help you to bring out the success in you. Please note that this book is written from the point of view of the christian belief as it is written by a pastor.
Success Is My heritage
Success is inside you, but many people do not know it, this book titled, "Success Is My heritage" will show you how to draw out the success within you.
You have to understand that man is created to succeed. Man is so awesome, he has conquered everything that threatened his existence on planet earth. Man has mastered his environment so much that he has turned this world to near paradise. When you remember that man started his journey on planet earth with almost nothing, he came naked, given nothing but food only. This book will teach you how to discover that thing inside you that has helped man in all ages to overcome difficulties Man is so powerful, no bird in the sky can compete with him in the sky, which bird can fly to the space? Yet man did? Man is so successful, no fish in any ocean can compete with him in their natural habitat (sea). Man is built to succeed; man is built to win. Buy this book now and discover the secrets of success that never fails to help people from the begining of human race on earth. Why are some making it effortlessly and others are roasting away in abject poverty and failure, the secrets are revealed in this book In this book, I will show you That it is the will of God for you to succeed in life That You are born to succeed The seven very important steps to success The seven success strategies (this is powerful) The must have success Attitudes The indespensible success bottons you can begin to press immediately The Success Guards that will help you to safeguard your achieved success.
The book show you the age long plans of success that have helped the men that discover them to rule and reign on earth. Finally, you are about to be in possession of a mystery that have helped people all over the world to cross from failure land to success land. Now, it is your turn to succeed, nobody can have these secrets and remain poor in life, you cannot have these secrets and remain a failure. You can from the very next moment begin to swim in the ocean of success and abundance through the revelation of the success secrets in this book by simply clicking the buy now button below. For only $9.75 you can purchase and download this book now. You can use your credit card or your paypal account to effect the payment, do not delay any further purchase now and start making a success of your life now. Remember that this is the only life you have and you do have the responsibility of making a success of it, let this book help you to bring out the success in you. Please note that this book is written from the point of view of the christian belief as it is written by a pastor.
Success Is My Heritage
Success is inside you, but many people do not know it, this book titled, "Success Is My heritage" will show you how to draw out the success within you.
You have to understand that man is created to succeed.
Man is so awesome, he has conquered everything that threatened his existence on planet earth. Man has mastered his environment so much that he has turned this world to near paradise. When you remember that man started his journey on planet earth with almost nothing, he came naked, given nothing but food only.
This book will teach you how to discover that thing inside you that has helped man in all ages to overcome difficulties
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Going Higher
Success Dimension Church is growing now to the glory of GOD in bounds and leaps, The Lord had been faithful to His word which He spoke to me sometimes ago about the future of this church. My experience as a founding pastor has given me a lot of opportunities and privileges to know many things about our God which daily gives me confidence and strenght to tell others about the goodness of our GOD.
What the Lord is doing in this ministry these days baffles my mind, the miracles or the level at which people all over the world who are touched one way or the other by this God inspired work.
If you reside in Ibadan, I want to specially invite you to a three days of teaching galore on the theme "Dominion Life" Pastor Niyi Adedayo will be ministering alongside with me to bless the people of God who will be eager to hear the word of the Lord. You can also be a partaker and enjoy the presence of God in this Holy Spirit empowered service.
The program starts on Monday, the 14th of march and end on Wednesday, the 16th of March 2011, be there.
What the Lord is doing in this ministry these days baffles my mind, the miracles or the level at which people all over the world who are touched one way or the other by this God inspired work.
If you reside in Ibadan, I want to specially invite you to a three days of teaching galore on the theme "Dominion Life" Pastor Niyi Adedayo will be ministering alongside with me to bless the people of God who will be eager to hear the word of the Lord. You can also be a partaker and enjoy the presence of God in this Holy Spirit empowered service.
The program starts on Monday, the 14th of march and end on Wednesday, the 16th of March 2011, be there.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Expressing Ministry With Wordpress
By Sunday Joseph Adenuga
The second way to build a free website that will give you a more professional outlook and make your website really be able to get more features is wordpress which is a better platform to have than blogger. You can get to wordpress through this link at, and it will be a very sweet experience for you to start your own very first website all for free with no string attached. I have at least three websites with wordpress, one of them is at you may just click the link and see my own website. I have another one called I encourage you to go to these sites and just see how I have done mine to help you in creating yours to make it even a better looking website than mine. Is is an easy thing to start a wordpress site with little or no guidance from anybody, but you will have to work very hard to understand the terms used and how each gadget works. This is so because it is much more complicated than the blogger platform, you need to understand this, you may need trainning and asistance to master wordpress. Go now to, then click on sign-up button, in the next window, fill in the form and submit it, follow all the instructions to open a website of your own, type in your desired website name something like
Remember that creating a wordpress blog is as easy as A B C, but you have to learn the art of updating the content of your website with fresh contents like articles, pictures, audio messages, or even video recordings of your messages. You do all these from your admin panel called the dashboard as explained in the case of blogger.
I have about thirteen video tutorials that teaches in vivid terms how to set up a word press, customise it with your your graphics, use plugins, and beautiful themes that will make your website looking great and professional. If you like, I can sell the CD to you for only N3700, it sells for N5500 regularly, but to encourage you as a pastor and to contribute to your ministry I bring the price down to N3700 only. If you will have a professional website blog for your church now or in future, you are highly advised to get the CD now. This video tutorial will teach you everything you need to know about wordpress. This video tutorial teaches you how to upload new themes, install plugins, use google analytics and many other features you cannot know or understand unless you are taught. All the 13 video tutorials go for only N3700 for pastors and ministers, it is N5500 for all others.
My bank details are as follows
Bank Name: Guarantte Trust Bank
Account Name: Sunday Joseph Adenuga
Account Number: 405 4452 001590
Make your payment and text me to specify the product paid for to receive your order within 24 hours (through a download link)
You must also know that you can install wordpress blog to your paid domain and hosting account to make life easier for you when setting up your professional website. We will ellaborate on that later.
The second way to build a free website that will give you a more professional outlook and make your website really be able to get more features is wordpress which is a better platform to have than blogger. You can get to wordpress through this link at, and it will be a very sweet experience for you to start your own very first website all for free with no string attached. I have at least three websites with wordpress, one of them is at you may just click the link and see my own website. I have another one called I encourage you to go to these sites and just see how I have done mine to help you in creating yours to make it even a better looking website than mine. Is is an easy thing to start a wordpress site with little or no guidance from anybody, but you will have to work very hard to understand the terms used and how each gadget works. This is so because it is much more complicated than the blogger platform, you need to understand this, you may need trainning and asistance to master wordpress. Go now to, then click on sign-up button, in the next window, fill in the form and submit it, follow all the instructions to open a website of your own, type in your desired website name something like
Remember that creating a wordpress blog is as easy as A B C, but you have to learn the art of updating the content of your website with fresh contents like articles, pictures, audio messages, or even video recordings of your messages. You do all these from your admin panel called the dashboard as explained in the case of blogger.
I have about thirteen video tutorials that teaches in vivid terms how to set up a word press, customise it with your your graphics, use plugins, and beautiful themes that will make your website looking great and professional. If you like, I can sell the CD to you for only N3700, it sells for N5500 regularly, but to encourage you as a pastor and to contribute to your ministry I bring the price down to N3700 only. If you will have a professional website blog for your church now or in future, you are highly advised to get the CD now. This video tutorial will teach you everything you need to know about wordpress. This video tutorial teaches you how to upload new themes, install plugins, use google analytics and many other features you cannot know or understand unless you are taught. All the 13 video tutorials go for only N3700 for pastors and ministers, it is N5500 for all others.
My bank details are as follows
Bank Name: Guarantte Trust Bank
Account Name: Sunday Joseph Adenuga
Account Number: 405 4452 001590
Make your payment and text me to specify the product paid for to receive your order within 24 hours (through a download link)
You must also know that you can install wordpress blog to your paid domain and hosting account to make life easier for you when setting up your professional website. We will ellaborate on that later.
ministering online,
online ministry,
Friday, January 22, 2010
International Dimension To Your Ministry
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Hi, my name is Sunday Joseph Adenuga, I am the Senior Pastor and Founder of The Success Dimension Church, Ibadan, Nigeria. When God called me, He gave me a mandate to teach people how to succeed in spite of any difficulties they may ever be going through in their lives. This implies that I have the mandate, the ministry and the assignment to help as many people as I can to make a success of their lives despite problems, difficulties or challenges that they may be facing at the moment.
This is a clear call, but I have a challenge, and it is this, how do I get many people around the world to hear this good news? I have the cure for people's problems but nobody knows I have the solution, how do I get people to know that I have God's word that can bring them success in the midst of their difficulties? I know that Radio and Television are a great means of blasting my beliefs and teachings to the world but they are too expensive and unaffordable for me at this initial stage of my ministry. I thought for a while and then decided to begin the production of a quarterly magazine which I distributed free of charge, but due to financial limitation at that time, I could only reach my immediate environment, but my target was the whole world.
I knew it was time to do something as fast as possible to get the message out to those going through difficult times that they too can succeed in spite of difficulties. I needed to reach the whole world with the message, to teach as many people as I can the principles God asked me to teach them that will surely help them to succeed in spite of any difficulties they may be going through in life.
At a point in time the idea of Internet Ministry came to my heart, even though I did not have a personal Internet ready computer, I could still have an Online Ministry to the people around the world by using the available cybercafes around me. Thank God I now have my own internet ready computer, if you don't have you can start the way I started - using cybercafe. I knew it would favor me, it would be able to do the following if only I can invest some little amount of money and time:
(1) Have a free website/blog to post all my teachings
(2) Another website free or paid to show the world all my ministry activities
(3) Preach on video for free and have people anywhere in the world with computer and internet access to see my video presentations and hear my messages of hope.
(4) Have an audio recordings of my sermons uploaded to my website and ready to be listened to by people around the world.
(5) Sell my stuff on the internet to earn Dollars or Naira. I can sell e-books, real books, video or audio messages on CDs and DVDs or downloadable, the opportunity is vast.
(6) And many more benefit.
With the above information, I ventured into online ministry and the story of my life have changed ever since. Right now I enjoy all the above facilities, people phone me from all over the world after hearing and seeing me preach on the internet. God have used this internet ministry in my hand to bless many people around the world, more than 5000 people have downloaded my book "Winning In Life's Battles" other books have also been given freely, and many people are sending mails to thank me for allowing God to make me a blessing to them. Many are now happy and willing to support my ministry and offerings are now coming in through foreign currencies like Dollars and Pound Sterling, praise God.
I have packaged this same product for you Pastor, Missionary, Evangelist or even Singer to help you start your very own online ministry with little or no stress. The packaged is now on CD and can be downloaded to your computer hard drive through the internet. After reading through some of these materials, you will be able to start your own website in less than ten minutes from now, begin your own audio and video internet production and like me be a blessing to your generation all around the world. No longer will distance be a barrier to reaching people all over the world. If you buy into this package now, you will be able to do the following:
1.Have a website called 'blog' where you will be able to publish your articles, audio messages and printed sermons as often as you may ever want to publish it all for free
2.Have another website where you will be able to post or send your videos, recorded messages for the viewing pleasure of the internet public, and remember that about 850 million people are actively using the internet on the daily basis
3.Show you tricks on how to get people to come visiting your website and read your blog articles which are full of your messages and beliefs.
4.Teach you how to make little money here and there with your free websites
5.Give you information on how to update your weblog and get fresh ideas published without stress.
6.Teach you how to sell your audio and video messages online, and how to collect your money in Naira and even in dollars if that is what you want.
7.Show you how to use the power of social networking website to popularize your church and your website.
8.And many more.
Ministers of God and Singers should especially go for this package, you will mail me to thank me and appreciate me for showing you this secret.
To get the downloaded version will cost you just N5700 payable to my account (see instruction below). You will be able to download this version immediately your payment is confirmed by us. If you need the CD sent to you via courier then just pay the sum of N7500 to my account and you will get the CD in 3 to 4 days of confirmation of your payment.
Pay now to Guarantee Trust Bank (any branch) to Account Name: Sunday Joseph Adenuga and Account Number: 405 445 2001 590 After payment, send by text message or e-mail your name, amount paid, e-mail address, teller number to my phone number 08054041462 or e-mail address
Get your copy now because this is an introductory price and will go up without notice. Invest this token amount to your ministry and reap the dividend that you will continue to enjoy to eternity.
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