This audio/video blog is designed to motivate people and fire them up to the love of Jesus. The Bible is the main textbook, and the central theme is success in life and ministries.
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Friday, December 4, 2009
Internet For Pastors
Image by loswl via Flickr
Pastors and Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ must know about internet, modern technology must be used to propagate the Gospel of love which our Lord and Master Jesus Christ came to promote on planet earth. I want to highlight through this write-up the importance of internet and how pastors can use it to enhance their ministries and propagate the gospel of the Lord.
Internet is the network of computers all over the world with the purpose of sharing information and data. It is not evil neither is it the instrument of the anti-Christ as some erroneously believe.
Internet is the linking together of your own computer through broadband or dial up phone lines to other computers around the world to access data by benefiting from the information already in the world database. Internet is nothing but sharing ideas and information, communicating and socializing.
Internet helps people to communicate with each other in split seconds through e-mails internet phone, chatting, webinars, and even fax. It helps us to learn from experts in the comfort of our homes through uploaded data, we can also help others by uploading our own data to the internet and have people download free or for a fee for their own benefit. Internet is a blessing to everyone involved in it, if they do it as it should be done.
Important Aspects of the Internet
We are able to use e-mails addresses because of the emergence of the internet, e-mail is cheap and affordable to all and sundry, its as easy as ABC to set up. You can get free e-mail address within two to five minutes from now. The following organizations can give you free e-mail
and so on
These organizations have free as well as paid version, beginners are ok with free version. Pastors need to have e-mails addresses as this will be very helpful in their online ministries. It is very needful for pastors to communicate with member and prospective members through e-mails because of the advancement of technology, the church must rise up to the challenges of technological advancement.
Ministering online is now becoming a very easy thing to do to get convert to the body of Christ. Are you a pastor with a desire to start an online ministry, come, let me help you to a good start in online ministry, go now to and see how to go about it.
ministering online,
online ministry,
pastors online
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The God Factor In Success
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
God is a God of success. If you read the Bible from Genesis 1: 1-2, you will see the success of God from the very beginning.
In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be light: and there was light.
In the beginning, when God created the heaven and the earth, three things happened: number one, the earth became formless; number two, the earth became void; and number three, darkness covered the earth. It was a period of confusion, but God was not confused, neither was He disturbed: He only spoke and success followed. A good look at the universe will convince you that God is a big success. Yes, He is a super success. No matter from which perspective you look and consider what success really is, God is really the biggest success. He is rich, and everything is in super abundance in the universe. Lets consider the riches of God in this our universe; as we do this you will observe with awe His wisdom, power and orderliness.
This earth contains about seven continents; they are Africa, America, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, and South America. Each of these continents is a very large mass of land containing different types of living and non-living things, many countries and nations are in these continents. Apart from Antarctica (which is another mystery on earth), all other continents house millions of people of different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. Apart from these, there are many islands that stands alone and do not belong to any continent. Many rivers, seas and oceans surround the earth, mountains, vegetations, and a lot of natural resources are hidden in the depth of the earth. All these were created by the Almighty God and belong to God. Psalm 24: 1. The resources on earth cannot be fully comprehended; they are beyond the comprehension of any single human being no matter how brilliant he may be. Beyond the earth, we have the moon; the moon orbits the earth and revolves round it. Few people have traveled to the moon, the discovery of those men reveals that the moon is not habitable by any living being and besides the gravity of earth is different from that of the moon.
Now our earth and moon belongs to a solar system, this consist of the sun and nine planets, this earth is just one of them. There are some planets in this solar system that are far bigger than the earth in as much as one thousand times. Some planets have about eighteen moons orbiting them; and you know what? None of these planets can support any type of life apart from our planet, earth. Scientists have sent space probes to many of these planets and found out that the conditions in all these planets cannot support plant or animal life. Water does not exist in liquid form in many of these planets; some are extremely hot while some are extremely cold. The earth is the only planet found to be conducive to support plant and animal life. Another interesting thing I want you to know is the existence of asteroid belt. Containing many asteroids. Our solar system is very big; the size of it is beyond human imagination. Now when I first learnt of this I was dumbfounded, what is it? That the sun of our solar system is just a star, it belongs to a galaxy of stars called the ‘milky way’. This galaxy have about one hundred billion stars and our sun is just one of them. Do you know that this our sun even though it is a million times bigger than the earth, it is not considered as one of the big stars in the milky way galaxy. Another thing is that some of those stars may also have their own solar systems with planets orbiting them. Scientists even claimed that some stars have been discovered to have one or two planets orbiting them and that many other stars may have more than nine planets in their solar systems.
Are you following me with understanding? This is God’s creation, how big, how vast? That is not all; the Milky Way is not the only galaxy of stars in the universe, there are about one hundred billion observable galaxy of stars, and each of these galaxies also have about one hundred billion stars. WOW! Can you do the mathematics? Find out in one minute the number of stars there is in the universe, (that’s just a joke anyway). The truth is that God’s creation is so vast, so rich, there is an abundance of all things, and you can’t know everything God has created. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 8: 17
Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labor to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea further; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it.
The above passage is referring to the work of God under the sun, which means this earth where we live. He is not even talking about the universe; this earth is too small when we consider the whole universe, yet no man can understand all of God’s works on this earth. The Bible also talking about God’s work says in Job5: 9
“which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number.
Yes, nobody can number all his works; you can’t count and number all the fish we have in the rivers, seas and oceans; you can’t count and number all the houseflies in all this earth; neither can you count and number all the stars in the universe. Can you see how awesome and amazing God’s work and creation is? Nobody can imagine in totality the wealth and the riches of God. Assuming we have one hundred billion galaxies of stars and each galaxy contains one hundred billion stars, how many stars do we have altogether? The answer is one hundred billion times one hundred billion that equal a number represented by 1022. Do you know the name of that number? Please send the information to me if you know it.
Friend, do you want good success? God is the Maker and Giver of success. God gives whomsoever He loves, and the good news is that He loves you. God is a God of order and details, the God who abhors waste.
Why did He create so many uncountable stars? Of what use are they? You and I may not know but there are reasons. I love God, I respect His wisdom. If you want real and lasting success, the best place to look is unto God, look unto Him and you will never be disappointed.
overcoming difficulties,
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Wonders of Belief or Faith
Image via Wikipedia
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever BELIEVES in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life” John 3: 16.
What is in ‘believing’ Jesus that makes it very important? Why is God’s only demand that simple? In another place the Bible says that, “whosoever believeth in Him shall not be put to shame.” In fact Christians are called believers because, in all the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this word seem to be the strongest. When Jesus was commissioning the disciples, in the book of Mark 16:15-17, we read,
“ Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that BELIEVETH and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be. And these signs shall follow them that BELIEVE: In my name they shall cast out demons; they shall speak in tongues…”
The emphasis in the above passage as in all scripture is believe, the signs shall follow those who believe. These signs are the manifestation of the power of GOD; the power will come upon, and follow only those who believe. Many times, if not in all cases, the only requirement of Jesus from those seeking healing was this, “only believe”. He was always quoted as saying, “be not afraid, only believe”, or “weep no more”; this was said to the widow whose only son just died. And in another situation He said, “If thou canst believe thou shall see the glory of God”.
What is in believing that makes it so thick?
When everybody was pressing hard on Jesus, nothing happened to any of them, but a woman came with faith or believe, that if she could only touch the tip or helm of His cloth, she would be healed. This simple act of believe brought her healing from the Master Healer, the Lord of the universe, Jesus Christ the Anointed One. The force of this faith or believe drew out this virtue or power from the Lord. Many people fast and pray but could not get the job done, but when there is a heartfelt believe or faith, the miracle is always on the scene. Why is ‘believing’ so important? We read in Mark 11: 23,
Verily, verily, I say unto you, whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he says.
The Holy Spirit opened my understanding to know that the art of believing is the major difference between a successful man and a failure. Faith is the only difference between somebody who receives answer to his prayers and the one who do not. This same faith in God is the only difference between a saint and a sinner. Do you know that nobody will go to hell because of sins like adultery, stealing, killing, etc? People will go to hell because they have refused to believe the son of God, they refuse to believe the testimony of God that have enough power to liberate them from the power of such sins like adultery, stealing, killing, etc.
Please understand this today, it will help you, faith is a very deep and important concept of life. Believing touches the very heart of man, which is the core or center of man; faith is very spiritual, and we are spirit beings. Friend, the only avenue by which we can browse the spiritual realm is through our faith.
Faith in something has a far-reaching effect on man that last beyond this material time and realm. Have you ever seen or heard of a notorious man, maybe an armed robber, or a hard drug addict who gave his life to Jesus Christ? You see the change; it’s so obvious; that change came about because of simple faith in Jesus; that faith has changed his life and destiny. The reason is very simple to understand, you see, the faith touches his heart; your heart is your spirit, your spirit is the real you. Anything that has the power to change the real you can change everything around you: and that thing is faith. Faith flows out from your heart, your spirit and it is capable of changing everything around you called your circumstances.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
How To Put Your Ministry Online
Image by aalex42 via Flickr
I ca help you now to put your ministry online free of charge. You will need to buy my training kit for only N3000 to N4500 only, (equivalent of $37). You will also have to pay for your internet connection either through a service provider or through the cybercafe near you. Apart from these, you will operate a very successful online ministry from anywhere in the world and about 800 million people around the world will have access to your website where you will preach on video for free and where your audio messages will be easily heard. Copies of your written messages, pictures of your services can all be posted to the world wide web for all to see. Donations can be made to your ministry from anybody across the globe.
What you stand to benefit from taking your ministry to the next level by buying into this materials specially packaged for you to succeed online is far more valuable than the fees I am charging you. With only N3000 for downloaded version or N4500 for CD version which will be sent by courier service, you can become the proud operator of an online ministry where people from all cultures can get help through you. This is the vision of every true man of God to be a blessing to countless number of people. If you are like me, I am more excited by the knowledge that I have helped somebody succeed than by the knowledge of a fatter bank account. This is the reason why I have kept the price of this material so low, yes its so low compared to its value of everlasting blessing to you and your ministry.
Check the valuable materials included in this ministry package
1.A copy of webpage maker (with the verification number, you use this number to validate that you have actually bought it and paid, since I have paid, you do not need to pay for it again, just copy the number correctly and put it in the appropriate place and you will have the right to use this software forever). Failure to put this number will only mean that you can use it for free for only 30 days, and I think you may need it for many years to come.
2.A copy of “My Blog Starter.pdf” this e-book will teach you how to start your own website with blogger please read it and digest the information. You can even create your own website as you study the e-book because it is a safe guide.
3.A copy of pastors e-book which gives the details of the information product which you have purchased. And this is the one you should read first, it is the main product which you paid for, the others are bonuses, and I hope you will find them useful.
4.As an additional bonus, I also include a copy of how to get your website indexed fast by the search engine, if you follow the ideas in this e-book, your website will become very popular on the internet fast.
5.A copy of AdSense Book that will show you the ins and outs of how to use your new website to suck in money fast for you like a vacuum cleaner. This system will enable you to preach and get money at the same time. What an advantage you must not miss.
Make sure these items are all included or else contact me immediately for another package that will contain all the packages mentioned above.
My contact e-mail is while my phone number is 08054041462. I will be very glad to answer your concerns about this issue.
Putting Your Ministry Online
Image via Wikipedia
Having an internet presence or address is not as difficult or as expensive as many people make us to believe. Infact you can start your own website now with no capital investment other than the cost of browsing the internet. This is true, there are so many organizations out there that can give you the priviledge of having your own domain attached to theirs for free. They are also ready to give you hosting rights whereby you can publish your articles, audio messages, even video messages on the internet all for free. In this e-book, my intension is to teach you how to get your website called blog up and running in the next thirty minutes after reading this report. Or create a traditional website with a free domain and hosting.
Yes, that is true, in less than thirty minutes of reading this report (which you can purchase today for only N3000 or $37), your weblog will be up and running, published by you and completed by you right now in the comfort of your own house if you have your own internet connection at home, if not just stroll into any of these internet cybercafe's to get the job done. The beauty of this is that, you can post your articles and messages at any time with little effort and it will instantly be available for the more than 850 million internet users all over the world.
The trick of getting people to come reading your weblog articles will also be revealed in this course, so you are fully prepared for the assignment ahead of time. Let me tell you the story of how I became convinced that any pastor can get his ministry noticed through what I am teaching here.
One day a man called me from Spain and told me he had just finished listening to my message on the internet titled, “Impossibility Doesnt Exist” he was so excited he couldnt keep it he had to phone me, and we've been friends ever since. God has used me to bless him tremendously through my internet ministry. Who knows how many people you will ever touch if you begin an internet ministry today, it does not take time, maybe just about thirty minutes to two hours or more a week will make your website looking great and updated. I personally spend about two to three hours on the internet everyday excluding Sundays. You are in charge, you get to choose the number of hours you can afford to spend in other to make your internet ministry a worthwhile experience and blessing to multiple number of people.
You may want to ask why I am so passionate about getting many pastors to start an internet ministry, its so simple, internet has the power of getting to more people all over the world with little or no cost at all, and can influence both the young and the old. One thing I found is that internet pornographic pictures and films have given a lot of bad influence to our young ones, and it is high time we pastors do something about it if we must rescue the coming generations of youth. I have my own internet ministry up and running, if yours is included and many other pastors', we will simply dominate the internet world and that means we are dominating the future of the youth of this world. We are therefore dominating the internet air waves with the message of the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.
The injunction of the master is that we go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, when our Lord said that, little did we understand that he was referring to this age where we will be able to reach millions of people with just one click of the mouse of a computer. These days, the best way to obey this injunction is to keep an internet ministry, stop believing that internet is an instrument of the devil, he is not a creator but an imitator, the wisdom of internet creation came from God and not the devil. The truth is that the devil knows how to hijack a good program created by God, turn it around to mess God's creation, to this challenge I want you to arise with me to battle the devil, use this powerful tool called the internet to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all the world.
I was influenced into internet related matters by Dr. Sunny Obazu Ojeagbese when I attended the demystifying the internet IV organised by Success Attitude Develoment Centre, Okota, Lagos, it was a complete one week of eye opening and powerful experience of this tool called the internet. Most of the things I do on the internet were a direct impartation of God through this man and a dear lady whose name is Iyabo Oyawale, she is my internet coach, God bless her heart. You can be very sure that what I am going to show you was learnt from the best internet brains in Nigeria.
The Best Online Resourses For Pastors
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
My name is Pastor Adenuga Sunday Joseph, I am the Pastor and Founder of Success Dimension Church, Ibadan, Nigeria. I have been in the ministry as a full time Pastor since the year 2006, my church was put on the web for free in the year 2008. In this report, I want to show you how to put your church and your ministry on the internet for free. You can do it whether you have a personal computer or not, if you don't have, you can use the cybercafe. Without mincing words, you will be able to put your church into the world wide web and do the following: -
1. Have a website called 'blog' where you will be able to publish your articles, audio messages and printed sermons as often as you may ever want to publish it all for free
2. Have another website where you will be able to post or send your videos, recorded audio messages for the viewing pleasure of the internet public, and remember that about 850 million people are actively using the internet on the daily basis
3. Show you tricks on how to get people to come visiting your website and read your blog articles which are full of your messages and beliefs.
4. Teach you how to make little money here and there with your free websites
5. Give you information on how to update your weblog and get fresh ideas published without stress.
6. Teach you how to sell your audio and video messages online, and how to collect your money in Naira and even in dollars if that is what you want.
7. Show you how to use the power of social networking website to popularize your church and your website.
8. And many more.
When I first learnt about this, I first created for free the website named, it was such a joy in my heart to have the freedom and the flexibitlity of writing my messages into various articles and publishing them whenever I choose. The joy is that ones these articles were written and posted to my blog, it became instantly available on the web all over the world for the reading pleasure of anyone who finds it. The good part is that people can even make their comments, ask questions and make their own personal contributions as they read your blog.
One day a man called me from Spain and told me he had just finished listening to my message on the internet titled, “Impossibility Doesnt Exist” he was so excited he couldnt keep it he had to phone me, and we've been friends ever since. God has used me to bless him tremendously through my internet ministry. Who knows how many people you will ever touch if you begin an internet ministry today, it does not take time, maybe just about thirty minutes to two hours or more a week will make your website looking great and updated. I personally spend about two to three hours on the internet everyday excluding Sundays. You are in charge, you get to choose the number of hours you can afford to spend in other to make your internet ministry a worthwhile experience and blessing to multiple number of people.
If you are into any type of ministry, full time or part time, this will help you, because Internet Ministry is not only for General Overseers. As an Evangelist, or prophet, or even a music minister, drama minister or a deacon , if you have a message you want the world to hear or an announcement that will compliment the effort of your church, then this material is for you.
You will learn the following:
* The ABC's of how to start your own online ministry
* Set up a full fledged international ministry through the internet
* Have your own or ministry free websites and or blogs
* Preach for free on the internet to millions of people around the world
* Make money while you preach for free on the internet
* Sell your ministry materials online (internet) and collect your money in dollars or in naira.
* Register with a reliable payment processor in Nigeria for free
* A free application/program with which you can create your own website by yourself within 30 minutes (worth N7500)
* Get a free life-time mentor-ship and advice on how to run your online ministry
* Receive free weekly newsletter and free monthly e-books on how to improve on your online ministry and rake in more money (worth N10000)
* You can use the cybercafe to do all these without sweat
If you do not have a fastecash account now, you can have one immediately absolutely free and fund it with your ATM card to make this purchase just click the link below.
After the registration, you will then transfer the amount to your fastecash account from your bank through your ATM card number, just follow the instructions on the website. After funding your fastecash account make your payment for this e-book immediately.
Or you can simply pay directly to my fastecash account with your ATM card even now by paying to successgalore1965 account.
Or you can simply walk to any branch of Bank PHB anywhere in Nigeria and pay to my account
Name: Sunday Joseph Adenuga
Acc Number: 133 2000 21073
Or to any branch of Guarantee Trust Bank in Nigeria and pay to the Account
Name: Sunday Joseph Adenuga
Acc Number: 405 4452 001590
Send your notice of payment to 08054041462, or my e-mail address at, stating your name, e-mail address, and the code: Paito As soon as payment is verified, you will receive your product by mail.
Or you can simply come over to Sunny Day Model School, Oke Itunu, Mokola, Ibadan to purchase the CD for only N6000 only.
If you want the product on CD by mail, pay the sum of N7500 and you shall receive the product by DHL within 3 days of confirmation of your payment.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Failure Is Not Final
By Sunday Joseph Adenuga
The Choice is yours
Let’s see what the bible says in Deuteronomy 30:15,19
“See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil; …
I call heaven and earth to record third day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; THEREFORE CHOOSE LIFE, that both thou and thy seed may live”
One of the keys to success on planet earth is to believe very strongly the title of this book, that is, God is not partial. From the above passage of scripture, we gather that God has set before every man and woman two things; they are on one hand life, good and blessing, on the other hand, death, evil and cursing. God will not choose for you, neither will He decide for me, nor act for me the best He could do is what He had done and that is His counsel. God said, you have a choice between success and failure, but I advise you, choose success. In every department of life, we are faced with the very same decision, we are the decision makers of our destinies, we determine what we will have and the level we will be in life, even to the point of how long we will live. This does not mean that you wake up and decide that I will live for as long as ninety years, no, the decisions are made everyday, the food you eat, how you use your body etc. are your daily decisions that ultimately affects how long you will live on earth.
The decision to be rich is also reflected in your daily decisions, sleeping twelve hours a day certainly will bring you poverty, decision not to work hard, the decision not to safe and to spend all your money are made daily and these goes to affect how wealthy or poor you will ever be on the surface of the earth. One of the best points of our humanity is the free gift of choice. Not even the Almighty God can dare change the decision you make in life. So, you see, God is not partial.
Please understand this, you are where you are today because of the cumulative decisions you have made in the past. You see, I married my wife; God did not force me to. Thank God, we are blessed with children. If I had decided to marry someone else, and we had children, those children would be different from my present children because in that case my gene will be combining with another woman’s, producing a different result entirely. My decision to marry Bisi Shodeinde has brought about a whole new and different destiny for both of us. If I had married another woman, my destiny could not have been what it is now; it might be better or worse.
Do you understand what I am saying? I was called to the full time ministry; I decided for it, God did not force me to do it. You see; if I had decided not to go into the ministry, my destiny would be different from what it is now.
Let me make it clearer, in the year 1984, I got admission to study Mathematics Education in the University of Lagos: four years later I became a trained mathematics teacher. On the other hand if I had decided to read law and entered for law in 1984, I would have graduated as a lawyer and my whole life and destiny could have charted another course, I would have become another person. Becoming a lawyer would give me different approach to life and certainly today, who I would have been only God knows.
Your decisions make you or mar you. Stop blaming God for your misfortune, but blame your self. God is not partial; God loves you as well as He loves any mortal being no matter how great that human maybe. Say it out loud; “God loves me”.
So you see my dear reader, the choice is yours. The ball is in your court; the destiny of the ball (in the court) depends entirely on you.
You Have Power of Choice
You have a part to play in actualizing the plan of God for your life. It is the will of God for you to prosper and be in heath III John 2. The bible says that God is not willing that anybody should perish but that all should come to repentance II Pet. 3:9. From this passage of scripture, we gather that it is not the will of God for anybody to perish. But it is very certain that people are perishing in sin, it follows that the will of God is not been carried out. God’s will is that all should be saved and that nobody should perish, but that is evidently not happening?
Why is God’s will not fulfilled? It is because people are given the power of choice here on earth and both God and the devil respects the decision of human beings. If God’s will is for you to be greatly blessed and physically powerful and you decide otherwise, God cannot and will not enforce His will on you. On the other hand, if you are bound by poverty and ill health, and you get hold on the word of God, and you decide with all your heart to part with poverty and sickness, you will win. That is the way God design for man to live on earth, by the power of our heartfelt decision.
If you are born in a poverty-stricken environment and you decide to call it quit with poverty, so be it, you are out of poverty zone. Your strong determination takes you out of that dreadful zone of lack and never enough.
What’s on Your Mind?
Fix it now in your mind, how you want to live, the type of house you desire to live in, the type of car you want to cruise in, the caliber of people you want to move with, the type of dress you desire, the type and quality of food you want on your table. All these must be decided and settled in your mind, it must be with a mindset that is ready to do anything good and legal to achieve your aim. This decision becomes your goal; it becomes an obsession, a driving force that represents your very essence of being. Someone who has decided that he would be one of the very best doctors in his country cannot live like everybody, your decision will spell out the type of life you are expected to live on earth. Can you imagine a student who strongly desires to pass out of the secondary school with excellent result playing and wasting time like all other students? You cannot live like others if you must achieve your aim in life. Can you see now that God is not partial? He wants you to succeed but He will not force you. Have you ever seen somebody that everybody considers a failure? He comes on strongly, springing surprises here and there, beating the imagination of all and sundry and coming up to become a star in the family? You too can pull the tricks. May the Lord help you to be all that He has destined you to be in Jesus name?
Failure is Never Final
Failure needs not be final; in fact, failure is success under construction. That you failed in an attempt does not mean you will never make it. God is a loving and impartial God, anybody who persists in what he or she is doing will always get a strong backing from heaven. All over the bible, we read the stories of men who failed in their initial attempt but came back strongly to become highly successful. Failure in any endeavor adds to the experience of life, it adds to wisdom and if properly managed increases your confidence.
You should never be afraid of failure, believe it with all your heart that you cannot fail and will never fail. Even if you do, it is a mistake and as somebody said, “it is not bad to make a mistake, but it is too bad to repeat the same mistake”. If you fail, try another method and continue until you succeed. You have what it takes to succeed, give it and your success will appear for all to see.
The Choice is yours
Let’s see what the bible says in Deuteronomy 30:15,19
“See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil; …
I call heaven and earth to record third day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; THEREFORE CHOOSE LIFE, that both thou and thy seed may live”
One of the keys to success on planet earth is to believe very strongly the title of this book, that is, God is not partial. From the above passage of scripture, we gather that God has set before every man and woman two things; they are on one hand life, good and blessing, on the other hand, death, evil and cursing. God will not choose for you, neither will He decide for me, nor act for me the best He could do is what He had done and that is His counsel. God said, you have a choice between success and failure, but I advise you, choose success. In every department of life, we are faced with the very same decision, we are the decision makers of our destinies, we determine what we will have and the level we will be in life, even to the point of how long we will live. This does not mean that you wake up and decide that I will live for as long as ninety years, no, the decisions are made everyday, the food you eat, how you use your body etc. are your daily decisions that ultimately affects how long you will live on earth.
The decision to be rich is also reflected in your daily decisions, sleeping twelve hours a day certainly will bring you poverty, decision not to work hard, the decision not to safe and to spend all your money are made daily and these goes to affect how wealthy or poor you will ever be on the surface of the earth. One of the best points of our humanity is the free gift of choice. Not even the Almighty God can dare change the decision you make in life. So, you see, God is not partial.
Please understand this, you are where you are today because of the cumulative decisions you have made in the past. You see, I married my wife; God did not force me to. Thank God, we are blessed with children. If I had decided to marry someone else, and we had children, those children would be different from my present children because in that case my gene will be combining with another woman’s, producing a different result entirely. My decision to marry Bisi Shodeinde has brought about a whole new and different destiny for both of us. If I had married another woman, my destiny could not have been what it is now; it might be better or worse.
Do you understand what I am saying? I was called to the full time ministry; I decided for it, God did not force me to do it. You see; if I had decided not to go into the ministry, my destiny would be different from what it is now.
Let me make it clearer, in the year 1984, I got admission to study Mathematics Education in the University of Lagos: four years later I became a trained mathematics teacher. On the other hand if I had decided to read law and entered for law in 1984, I would have graduated as a lawyer and my whole life and destiny could have charted another course, I would have become another person. Becoming a lawyer would give me different approach to life and certainly today, who I would have been only God knows.
Your decisions make you or mar you. Stop blaming God for your misfortune, but blame your self. God is not partial; God loves you as well as He loves any mortal being no matter how great that human maybe. Say it out loud; “God loves me”.
So you see my dear reader, the choice is yours. The ball is in your court; the destiny of the ball (in the court) depends entirely on you.
You Have Power of Choice
You have a part to play in actualizing the plan of God for your life. It is the will of God for you to prosper and be in heath III John 2. The bible says that God is not willing that anybody should perish but that all should come to repentance II Pet. 3:9. From this passage of scripture, we gather that it is not the will of God for anybody to perish. But it is very certain that people are perishing in sin, it follows that the will of God is not been carried out. God’s will is that all should be saved and that nobody should perish, but that is evidently not happening?
Why is God’s will not fulfilled? It is because people are given the power of choice here on earth and both God and the devil respects the decision of human beings. If God’s will is for you to be greatly blessed and physically powerful and you decide otherwise, God cannot and will not enforce His will on you. On the other hand, if you are bound by poverty and ill health, and you get hold on the word of God, and you decide with all your heart to part with poverty and sickness, you will win. That is the way God design for man to live on earth, by the power of our heartfelt decision.
If you are born in a poverty-stricken environment and you decide to call it quit with poverty, so be it, you are out of poverty zone. Your strong determination takes you out of that dreadful zone of lack and never enough.
What’s on Your Mind?
Fix it now in your mind, how you want to live, the type of house you desire to live in, the type of car you want to cruise in, the caliber of people you want to move with, the type of dress you desire, the type and quality of food you want on your table. All these must be decided and settled in your mind, it must be with a mindset that is ready to do anything good and legal to achieve your aim. This decision becomes your goal; it becomes an obsession, a driving force that represents your very essence of being. Someone who has decided that he would be one of the very best doctors in his country cannot live like everybody, your decision will spell out the type of life you are expected to live on earth. Can you imagine a student who strongly desires to pass out of the secondary school with excellent result playing and wasting time like all other students? You cannot live like others if you must achieve your aim in life. Can you see now that God is not partial? He wants you to succeed but He will not force you. Have you ever seen somebody that everybody considers a failure? He comes on strongly, springing surprises here and there, beating the imagination of all and sundry and coming up to become a star in the family? You too can pull the tricks. May the Lord help you to be all that He has destined you to be in Jesus name?
Failure is Never Final
Failure needs not be final; in fact, failure is success under construction. That you failed in an attempt does not mean you will never make it. God is a loving and impartial God, anybody who persists in what he or she is doing will always get a strong backing from heaven. All over the bible, we read the stories of men who failed in their initial attempt but came back strongly to become highly successful. Failure in any endeavor adds to the experience of life, it adds to wisdom and if properly managed increases your confidence.
You should never be afraid of failure, believe it with all your heart that you cannot fail and will never fail. Even if you do, it is a mistake and as somebody said, “it is not bad to make a mistake, but it is too bad to repeat the same mistake”. If you fail, try another method and continue until you succeed. You have what it takes to succeed, give it and your success will appear for all to see.
choice. decision,
Monday, November 2, 2009
Magic or Miracle
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Miracle is different from magic because magic employs the use of the mind, hallucinations and illusions, you can study and learn the art of magic. Magic follows a certain pattern of occurrence but miracle does not. Nobody can study or fully understand how a miracle happens, when it will happen and the pattern it will take. This is so because the miracle of healing one blind man may be very different from how it will occur in healing another blind man in the same venue of occurrence.
You can understand the workings of magic but nobody can understand the workings of a true miracle. This is true because God Himself alone is the One that works miracles, but magic is worked by man, it is a science and as I mentioned earlier, anyone can learn to become a magician.
Bible examples of miracles
If you read 11Kings 4: 1-7, you will learn about the story of a widow woman whose husband, the breadwinner died untimely and was heavily indebted to her husband's creditors who threatened to take away her sons, the collaterals that were used in obtaining the loans. This woman cried to the man of God, Elisha who performed the miracle of multiplication of oil. This was a miracle no science of this day can explained, it was supernatural, and you can't beat that.
Jesus attended a wedding at Cana of Galilee, the wine got finished, they needed a miracle fast, and the story is in John 2: 3-11. The miracle of all miracles happened when Jesus Christ the son of the Living God turned water into wine before their very eyes, can you beat that?
11Kings 6:25-30, 7:1, 2, 16-20. We read here the situation in Samaria when there was a very severe famine or inflation, it was difficult to survive, and people were already killing their children and eating them as food because of the severity of the lack in the entire nation. Suddenly the man of God, Elisha declared that, "by this time of tomorrow, there shall be surplus in the land, people thought that he was crazy, but it happened because God Himself was the One involved in working that miracle.
The Bible is full of occurrences of miracles, read your Bible and see God in action. I have experienced many miracles, God have used me many times to perform unimaginable miracles. God have used me, by merely asking me to speak words of authority into some situations and I have seen God work His wonders. I have seen so many barren women conceive and gave birth to children, my friend, miracles are real, they still occur. You can witness a miracle in your life too; the starting point is to give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It is as simple as that.
Importance of miracles:
Miracles are very important to accomplish God's work in this world to convince the gainsayers and those in doubt that God is real. Some will not believe if they do not see miracles. Miracle can deliver to your hand what you may have been struggling to achieve for many years without success. Miracle is a sign that God is with us, it is very important to silence the onslaught of the devil or enemies; it keeps their mouths shut because it is a stamp of God's approval upon our lives.
How to enjoy the flow of the miraculous:
* Note that miracles happens in the atmosphere of worship, to experience miracles, you must cultivate the habit of constantly worshiping the Lord in your church and in your privacy.
* Loving the Lord with all your heart causes a wave of miracles to begin to happen in your life and ministry. Our Lord Jesus Christ said we should seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all other things shall be added to us.
* Study of the word of god with understanding in the spirit brings about the workings of miracles see John 1: 1-5, 14 the word of god is the work of God, it is the miracle of God. God commanded us to attend to His word see Proverbs 4: 20-23
* Purposeful personal prayer life creates a life full of the miraculous; prayer gives us a voice in the heavens, and gives us respect in the kingdom of darkness. Prayer produces power; a prayerful Christian is a powerful Christian.
* Faith is a very important ingredient in performing any miracle on earth, have faith in God. Faith believes the word of God, it is also working according to the word of God. Faith calls those things that are not as though they were Romans 4: 17-22. Faith says God has done it, or I have it now, or I am rich or blessed. As a matter of fact, faith sees beyond the NOW.
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Attention: All Pastors and Ministers
Image by jesuscm via Flickr
1.Have a website called 'blog' where you will be able to publish your articles, audio messages and printed sermons as often as you may ever want to publish it all for free
2.Have another website where you will be able to post or send your videos, recorded messages for the viewing pleasure of the internet public, and remember that about 850 million people are actively using the internet on the daily basis
3.Show you tricks on how to get people to come visiting your website and read your blog articles which are full of your messages and beliefs.
4.Teach you how to make little money here and there with your free websites
5.Give you information on how to update your weblog and get fresh ideas published without stress.
6.Teach you how to sell your audio and video messages online, and how to collect your money in Naira and even in dollars if that is what you want.
7.Show you how to use the power of social networking website to popularize your church and your website.
8.And many more.
When I first learnt about this, I first created for free the website named, it was such a joy in my heart to have the freedom and the flexibitlity of writing my messages into various articles and publishing them whenever I choose. The joy is that ones these articles were written and posted to my blog, it became instantly available on the web all over the world for the reading pleasure of anyone who finds it. The good part is that people can even make their comments, ask questions and make their own personal contributions as they read your blog.
One day a man called me from Spain and told me he had just finished listening to my message on the internet titled, “Impossibility Doesnt Exist” he was so excited he couldnt keep it he had to phone me, and we've been friends ever since. God has used me to bless him tremendously through my internet ministry. Who knows how many people you will ever touch if you begin an internet ministry today, it does not take time, maybe just about thirty minutes to two hours or more a week will make your website looking great and updated. I personally spend about two to three hours on the internet everyday excluding Sundays. You are in charge, you get to choose the number of hours you can afford to spend in other to make your internet ministry a worthwhile experience and blessing to multiple number of people.
All PASTORS, Teachers, Evangelists, Prophets and Ministers of God in various capacity must enjoy this free internet facility. Note that Internet Ministry is not only for General Overseers and founders of churches and ministries subscribe to this package which i have made for you by the grace of God and Learn the following:
* The ABC's of how to start your own online ministry
* Set up a full fledged international ministry through the internet
* Have your own or ministry free websites and blogs
* Preach for free on the internet to millions of people around the world
* Make money while you preach for free on the internet
* Sell your ministry materials online (internet) and collect your money in dollars or in naira.
* Register with a reliable payment processor in Nigeria for free
* A free application/program with which you can create your own website by yourself within 30 minutes (worth N7500)
* Get a free life-time mentorship and advice on how to run your online ministry
* Receive free weekly newsletter and free monthly e-books on how to improve on your online ministry and rake in more money (worth N10000)
* You can use the cybercafe to do all these without sweat
Rush now to any branch of Guarantee Trust Bank, invest the sum of N2700 only to your life and ministry by paying to Account number: 405 4452 001590
Account Name: Sunday Joseph Adenuga. Then send a text message to 024804976 or e-mail to, stating your name, e-mail address, teller number and you will receive the product in your mail box as soon as your payment is confirmed.
Or you can simply come over to Sunny Day Model School, Oke Itunu, Mokola, Ibadan to purchase the CD for only N3000 only.
Act now, Act fast, put your ministry on the net today contact me at 08054041462
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Hi Pastor,
My name is Pastor Adenuga Sunday Joseph, I am the Pastor and Founder of Success Dimension Church, Ibadan, Nigeria. I have been in the ministry as a full time Pastor since the year 2006, my church was put on the web for free in the year 2008. In this report, I want to show you how to put your church and your ministry on the internet for free. You can do it whether you have a personal computer or not, if you don't have, you can use the cybercafe. Without mincing words, you will be able to put your church into the world wide web and do the following
1.Have a website called 'blog' where you will be able to publish your articles, audio messages and printed sermons as often as you may ever want to publish it all for free
2.Have another website where you will be able to post or send your videos, recorded messages for the viewing pleasure of the internet public, and remember that about 850 million people are actively using the internet on the daily basis
3.Show you tricks on how to get people to come visiting your website and read your blog articles which are full of your messages and beliefs.
4.Teach you how to make little money here and there with your free websites
5.Give you information on how to update your weblog and get fresh ideas published without stress.
6.Teach you how to sell your audio and video messages online, and how to collect your money in Naira and even in dollars if that is what you want.
7.Show you how to use the power of social networking website to popularize your church and your website.
8.And many more.
When I first learnt about this, I first created for free the website named, it was such a joy in my heart to have the freedom and the flexibitlity of writing my messages into various articles and publishing them whenever I choose. The joy is that ones these articles were written and posted to my blog, it became instantly available on the web all over the world for the reading pleasure of anyone who finds it. The good part is that people can even make their comments, ask questions and make their own personal contributions as they read your blog.
One day a man called me from Spain and told me he had just finished listening to my message on the internet titled, “Impossibility Doesnt Exist” he was so excited he couldnt keep it he had to phone me, and we've been friends ever since. God has used me to bless him tremendously through my internet ministry. Who knows how many people you will ever touch if you begin an internet ministry today, it does not take time, maybe just about thirty minutes to two hours or more a week will make your website looking great and updated. I personally spend about two to three hours on the internet everyday excluding Sundays. You are in charge, you get to choose the number of hours you can afford to spend in other to make your internet ministry a worthwhile experience and blessing to multiple number of people.
All PASTORS, Teachers, Evangelists, Prophets and Ministers of God in various capacity must enjoy this free internet facility. Note that Internet Ministry is not only for General Overseers and founders of churches and ministries subscribe to this package which i have made for you by the grace of God and Learn the following:
* The ABC's of how to start your own online ministry
* Set up a full fledged international ministry through the internet
* Have your own or ministry free websites and blogs
* Preach for free on the internet to millions of people around the world
* Make money while you preach for free on the internet
* Sell your ministry materials online (internet) and collect your money in dollars or in naira.
* Register with a reliable payment processor in Nigeria for free
* A free application/program with which you can create your own website by yourself within 30 minutes (worth N7500)
* Get a free life-time mentorship and advice on how to run your online ministry
* Receive free weekly newsletter and free monthly e-books on how to improve on your online ministry and rake in more money (worth N10000)
* You can use the cybercafe to do all these without sweat
Rush now to any branch of Guarantee Trust Bank, invest the sum of N2700 only to your life and ministry by paying to Account number: 405 4452 001590
Account Name: Sunday Joseph Adenuga. Then send a text message to 024804976 or e-mail to, stating your name, e-mail address, teller number and you will receive the product in your mail box as soon as your payment is confirmed.
Or you can simply come over to Sunny Day Model School, Oke Itunu, Mokola, Ibadan to purchase the CD for only N3000 only.
If you want the CD sent to you through courier service, please pay the sum of N4500 into the Bank account stated above and you will get your order in three to five days after confirmation of payment.
You may want to make your own purchase onlne, in that case go to the order page by clicking this link http// follow the ordering instruction and download your product instantly.
Act now, Act fast, put your ministry on the net today contact me at 08054041462
Friday, September 18, 2009
Preparing For an Enduring Success
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
First of all I will want you to understand some important points about what success is not, this is very crucial and important to us as we aspire to get to the top of the ladder in our chosen career. After this I will delve into what I believe success is observing the subject from a general perspective.
Success is not a destination; it is an adventure, a continuous journey that can only end when you successfully make it to heaven.
Success is not luck; you can only get it through hard work and systematic planning.
Success is not money; it is accomplishing your purpose in life. Do you know that some people who have money are not truly successful? I have heard and read about rich people who died lonely, miserable and feeling unaccomplished in life.
Success is not the absence of problems; it is the ability to solve problems that sinks other less determined people in the sea of life.
Success is not been born to a rich family, it is the ability to bring wealth and comfort to a hitherto poor family. Nobody was born a failure or success; we become with time whatever we are now.
Success is the ability to shine out of darkness like God in Genesis 1: 1-3. By this I mean the ability to turn seemingly impossible situation to real time success.
Success is inside you, failure is around you. God is success, and He is inside you see 1John 4: 4 Satan is outside (and around) you and is the cause of every failed attempt. Stop looking around you for success, start looking inward, success is in you, stop looking elsewhere.
Success is your birthright, so prepare for success it is not far-fetched, it is not even around you, it is so near that you can only touch it from the inside of you.
Steps to success:
• Be prayerful. Prayer is the ability to tell God to do for you what you cannot do for yourself. You need to pray all the time to achieve the note-worthy success that you are running after.
• Have a carefully prepared plan of action for each day and work hard to follow all your plans for the day, week, month or year. Nothing leads to success more that following a well prepared plan of action.
• To accomplish the above point, it is a good idea if you can have a list of what you plan to do every day, we call it ‘to do list,’ you need to write down in order of priority the things that you plan to accomplish for the day, week, month and year. You tick each item as they are accomplished, this will help you to have a good appraisal on the progress of your plans.
• Have an attitude to do now anything that must be done. Never postpone any thing that should and could be done, do it now. If you make this your motto, you will succeed beyond any imagination.
Prepare for success by following the above suggestions and you are on your way to everlasting success, wishing you all the best in life.
You Are Not Ordinary
Image via Wikipedia
God who created the heavens and the earth loves the earth so much that He created man in His own image to have dominion over everything that He created. He put man in charge of all created beings and things. The earth contains a lot of what we call 'Natural Resources', a lot of different species of birds, animals, insects, fish, plants, trees, land mass, seas, oceans, rivers, mountains of different sizes and heights.
God in His wisdom thinks it right to make man the king of the earth. The Bible says in Psalm 24:1 that "The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein" meaning that God owns the earth, it belongs to Him by right of possession and ownership. When something belongs to you, the right to do with it whatever you choose is exclusively yours.
God decided that man should be in charge of His (God's) earth, to manage it for Him. Man has not failed in this awesome assignment. man has turned this earth to near paradise considering the fact that man started with no house, no clothing, no roads, no cars, no telephones, no books nor ability to read. The only thing man was given was nothing but food and water in the garden of Eden, think about the wisdom God gave to man to turn this world from such empty earth to near paradise of cities like Paris, Hong- Kong, New York, Toronto, Singapore, Kuala-Lumpore, Johannesburg, London, just to mention a few beautiful cities of the world.
Man has done so well in the realm of science and technology that even God will give us pass mark, no doubt. The truth is this, God's intention was not just to have a breakthrough in science and technology but also to do exploit in the spiritual realm. We have failed generally in the area of the spirit, we have not known the Lord who loved us so much, who created us and gave us the wisdom to have dominion over all His earth. We have failed to recognize the one who has called us to head His corporation - earth.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Welcome To Success Dimension Church Weblog
Image via Wikipedia
I welcome you to the official weblog of Success Dimension Church, Ibadan, Nigeria. The intension of this blog site is to regularly update you with messages preached in our weekly services day in day out. This may sometimes be a daily update or a weekly update, it all depends on the level of activities at the headquarter church.
One thing that is certain is that you will surely enjoy the messages that we shall be posting on this audio/video blog. Messages preached by our senior pastor on youtube will also be posted as well as audio messages recorded during our normal services including Bible Studies, Sunday School Messages, Sunday Sermons, and Special Seminar Messages and preachings that will add colors to your life as a christian.
I want to use this medium to encourage you to keep coming back to this website to get blessed and encouraged to be the best you were created to be. Do not forget to post your own comments about the messages, ask questions each time you feel confused, the SPIRIT of The LORD will answer your questions through us by the special grace of God. If you have any problem that needs urgent prayers or you need prophetic guidance, you can phone me any time on this hot line +2348054041462.
May the Lord bless you and keep you...
Friday, July 31, 2009
The Making of A Great Man of God
By Adenuga Sunday Joseph
Great men of God are born so, but the majority of them became so because they were willing to pass through certain stages of training and development. Nobody can attain to greatness in the things of God without great discipline and purposeful persistence to the calling.
Presently, there are men and women who are actually known to be great movers and shakers of the things of God in this end time.
David Oyedepo was one man who started as small as any other man on planet earth, his rise to wealth, power and honor was not as a result of any inherited wealth, or winning any big lottery. He came to wealth and affluence through share hard work and determination with a faith that sees no failure or accept any defeat. This implies that anyone, including you can so rise if you do the same things these great men have done or are doing.
Kenneth Copeland was another man I admire from a distance, I have not been opportuned to meet him or see him on one on one
Great men of God are born so, but the majority of them became so because they were willing to pass through certain stages of training and development. Nobody can attain to greatness in the things of God without great discipline and purposeful persistence to the calling.
Presently, there are men and women who are actually known to be great movers and shakers of the things of God in this end time.
David Oyedepo was one man who started as small as any other man on planet earth, his rise to wealth, power and honor was not as a result of any inherited wealth, or winning any big lottery. He came to wealth and affluence through share hard work and determination with a faith that sees no failure or accept any defeat. This implies that anyone, including you can so rise if you do the same things these great men have done or are doing.
Kenneth Copeland was another man I admire from a distance, I have not been opportuned to meet him or see him on one on one
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Dr. Lee Roberson
Dr. Lee Roberson (1909-2007) believed that the King James Bible is inspired. In his sermon, HAVE FAITH IN GOD, he made the following statement concerning his text verse, Mark 11:22, "And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God" ...
“Whether in sunshine or rain, it will help us to have these inspired words before us: HAVE FAITH IN GOD.”
Pastor Roberson referred to the King James Bible as “these inspired words.” Amen. There are some preachers today who deny the inspiration of our precious King James Bible. It is apostasy. Thank God for Dr. Roberson's faith in the King James Bible as God's inspired, inerrant, infallible, impeccable and preserved Words of God.
Dr. Lee Roberson, loyal pastor of the Highland Park Baptist Church, and founder and president of Tennessee Temple Schools in Chattanooga, Tennessee, is world-renowned in religious circles. He was born in a two-room log cabin on November 24, 1909, and spent his first two years on a farm near English, Indiana, a small town in the southern part of the state. In 1911, his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Charles E. Roberson, took him to a farm near Louisville, Kentucky, where his father farmed, worked on streetcars, and built homes to make a living. At the age of fourteen, he was led to the Lord by his faithful Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Daisy Hawes, and joined the Cedar Creek Baptist Church outside of Louisville.
After spending two years at the Louisville Male High School, where he received a diploma in public accounting when he was fourteen years old, Dr. Roberson then attended the Fern Creek High School and was graduated after four years. While a student, he played football with the high school team.
Brother Roberson entered Old Bethel College in Russellville, Kentucky in 1926, and finished the first year. There he worked at various jobs from washing dishes to scrubbing floors to pay his way. From Old Bethel College, he went to the University of Louisville to complete his college work with a major in history. He also completed his work for a degree at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. At the age of nineteen, he was called to a church in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, which he did not accept.
In his early years, Dr. Roberson was well known as a singer. Having studied at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and with the well-known teacher, John Samples, of Chicago, his services as a vocalist were in great demand. He served as a soloist on the staff of radio station WHAS of Louisville, Kentucky, and WSM out of Nashville, Tennessee. Doors were opening in the field of secular music. Dr. Roberson could have signed a contract with a certain man in the city of Nashville that, no doubt, would have led him to the top in music. However, he felt that this was not the thing the Lord wanted for him; so he refused to sign the contract.
The first church that Brother Roberson served as pastor was in Germantown, Tennessee, while he was going to college. In 1932, he was called to be pastor of the Temple Baptist Church in Green Brier, Tennessee. It was there that he discovered the truth of the second coming of Christ. After three years with the Green Brier Church, where the Lord wonderfully blessed, Dr. Roberson entered full-time evangelistic work in 1935. He served as evangelist of the Birmingham Baptist Association; and within two years, he conducted some fifty revivals in the Birmingham area.
It was while he was in Birmingham that he met Miss Caroline Allen, who, on October 9, 1937, became Mrs. Lee Roberson.
On the first Sunday in November 1937, Dr. Roberson became pastor of the First Baptist Church in Fairfield, Alabama.
In 1939, Brother Roberson was asked to be the state evangelist for Alabama. He felt this was not the Lord's will for him at the time, so the offer was not accepted.
On May 2, 1941, Lee Anne, the Roberson's oldest child, was born.
After five years with the Fairfield church, Dr. Roberson was called to the Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in November of 1942. Brother Roberson, our pastor, is a man of God at home as well as at church. He has set an example of faithfulness and devotion to his family and to his convictions before his church and to the entire world. At home, he has sought to teach his children in the fear and admonition of the Lord around a daily family altar, which has reflected itself in the lives of the children.
Dr. Roberson's devotion to duty and to his convictions has laid upon him a demanding schedule that has caused him, throughout his life, to get up early and to burn the midnight oil in prayer and study of the Word of God and the writings of others that he might maintain his burden to reach as many souls for Christ as he can, by every possible means. New sermons are constantly pouring from his soul and new books from his pen.
Whether he be speaking from the pulpit of the Highland Park Baptist Church, the chapel platform of Tennessee Temple Schools, to his Men's Bible Class, or at one of many other special services, his messages are always fresh, fervent, and filled with the power of God. In speaking of him, someone has said, "He is truly the Spurgeon of our times."
Dr. Roberson's daily schedule begins with Bible study and prayer at 6:30 in the morning, followed by breakfast and devotions with his family, an soul-long broadcast beginning at 8:30 a.m., and a chapel service at Tennessee Temple Schools at 10:00. His morning hours are also filled with private conferences with church people and students of Tennessee Temple Schools. His daily visitation program takes him into the numerous hospitals of the city as well as homes of the church members.
We praise the Lord for the way in which He has blessed Dr. Roberson's ministry here at the Highland Park Baptist Church.
Pastor Roberson's favorite Scripture...
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." —Romans 8:28
A Brief Biographical Review of Dr. Lee Roberson
From Sword Of The Lord by Marlon W. Smith
Dr. Lee Roberson, pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church and founder of Tennessee Temple Schools died Sunday, April 29, 2007. He was 97.
Dr. Roberson was respected and held in highest esteem as a dynamic leader and a Christian statesman by multiplied thousands of Christians around the world. His reputation was that of an uncompromising stalwart whose consistent message lodged deep in the hearts of those who listened.
The heartbeat of his message could be summed up by his life verse, Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
His legacy as a mighty man of God began in 1942 when he was called to be the pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN. For 40 years and 6 months (1942-1983), Dr. Roberson invested himself wholly in the ministry of the church, the city of Chattanooga and Hamilton County. He was loved as pastor, preacher, confidant and friend by those with whom he came in contact. During his tenure as pastor, more than 61,000 people professed faith in Jesus and followed Him in believer’s Baptism.
In 1946 he founded Tennessee Temple Schools which has trained thousands of pastors, missionaries and Christian workers now serving in churches and ministries worldwide.
Dr. Roberson became well known nationally and internationally as a vibrant and articulate conference speaker. He was one of the founding members of the Southwide Baptist Fellowship and was a regular speaker for many of the National Sword of the Lord Conferences. In his later years, as an evangelist, he preached in thousands of churches across America.
Having been saved at age 14, Dr. Roberson attended Bethel College in Russellville, KY, and went on to the University of Louisville where he graduated with a major in history. He also attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville.
His early years of ministry began in 1932 with a pastorate in Germantown, TN in spite of the urging of his teachers at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music to pursue a career with the opera. Other pastorates include Greenbrier Baptist Church, Greenbrier, TN, and First Baptist Church, Fairfield, AL.
Later he became an evangelist with the Birmingham Baptist Association in Birmingham, AL. While there he met and married Miss Caroline Allen in 1937. She preceded him in death on June 26, 2005.
Dr. and Mrs. Roberson had four children, LeeAnne, John, Joy & June. Their baby, Joy, for whom Camp Joy is named, died in 1946 at the age of two months.
Even to those who were not acquainted with Dr. Roberson, his presence commanded immediate respect. His classic attire, a dark blue, double-breasted suit, starkly contrasted by his snowy white hair, became his trademark.
Dr. Roberson became well known not only by his service to Highland Park Baptist Church and his popularity as a conference speaker and evangelist but also by his proclamations from the pulpit. Some of his best known admonitions to audiences were, “Have faith in God,” “Everything rises or falls on leadership” and “Just keep going down the line.”
Dr. Roberson’s reputation as pastor, preacher, educator and evangelist will not soon be forgotten. For more than 65 years, he was a key leader and one of the most influential preachers in fundamentalism.
“Whether in sunshine or rain, it will help us to have these inspired words before us: HAVE FAITH IN GOD.”
Pastor Roberson referred to the King James Bible as “these inspired words.” Amen. There are some preachers today who deny the inspiration of our precious King James Bible. It is apostasy. Thank God for Dr. Roberson's faith in the King James Bible as God's inspired, inerrant, infallible, impeccable and preserved Words of God.
Dr. Lee Roberson, loyal pastor of the Highland Park Baptist Church, and founder and president of Tennessee Temple Schools in Chattanooga, Tennessee, is world-renowned in religious circles. He was born in a two-room log cabin on November 24, 1909, and spent his first two years on a farm near English, Indiana, a small town in the southern part of the state. In 1911, his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Charles E. Roberson, took him to a farm near Louisville, Kentucky, where his father farmed, worked on streetcars, and built homes to make a living. At the age of fourteen, he was led to the Lord by his faithful Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Daisy Hawes, and joined the Cedar Creek Baptist Church outside of Louisville.
After spending two years at the Louisville Male High School, where he received a diploma in public accounting when he was fourteen years old, Dr. Roberson then attended the Fern Creek High School and was graduated after four years. While a student, he played football with the high school team.
Brother Roberson entered Old Bethel College in Russellville, Kentucky in 1926, and finished the first year. There he worked at various jobs from washing dishes to scrubbing floors to pay his way. From Old Bethel College, he went to the University of Louisville to complete his college work with a major in history. He also completed his work for a degree at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. At the age of nineteen, he was called to a church in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, which he did not accept.
In his early years, Dr. Roberson was well known as a singer. Having studied at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and with the well-known teacher, John Samples, of Chicago, his services as a vocalist were in great demand. He served as a soloist on the staff of radio station WHAS of Louisville, Kentucky, and WSM out of Nashville, Tennessee. Doors were opening in the field of secular music. Dr. Roberson could have signed a contract with a certain man in the city of Nashville that, no doubt, would have led him to the top in music. However, he felt that this was not the thing the Lord wanted for him; so he refused to sign the contract.
The first church that Brother Roberson served as pastor was in Germantown, Tennessee, while he was going to college. In 1932, he was called to be pastor of the Temple Baptist Church in Green Brier, Tennessee. It was there that he discovered the truth of the second coming of Christ. After three years with the Green Brier Church, where the Lord wonderfully blessed, Dr. Roberson entered full-time evangelistic work in 1935. He served as evangelist of the Birmingham Baptist Association; and within two years, he conducted some fifty revivals in the Birmingham area.
It was while he was in Birmingham that he met Miss Caroline Allen, who, on October 9, 1937, became Mrs. Lee Roberson.
On the first Sunday in November 1937, Dr. Roberson became pastor of the First Baptist Church in Fairfield, Alabama.
In 1939, Brother Roberson was asked to be the state evangelist for Alabama. He felt this was not the Lord's will for him at the time, so the offer was not accepted.
On May 2, 1941, Lee Anne, the Roberson's oldest child, was born.
After five years with the Fairfield church, Dr. Roberson was called to the Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in November of 1942. Brother Roberson, our pastor, is a man of God at home as well as at church. He has set an example of faithfulness and devotion to his family and to his convictions before his church and to the entire world. At home, he has sought to teach his children in the fear and admonition of the Lord around a daily family altar, which has reflected itself in the lives of the children.
Dr. Roberson's devotion to duty and to his convictions has laid upon him a demanding schedule that has caused him, throughout his life, to get up early and to burn the midnight oil in prayer and study of the Word of God and the writings of others that he might maintain his burden to reach as many souls for Christ as he can, by every possible means. New sermons are constantly pouring from his soul and new books from his pen.
Whether he be speaking from the pulpit of the Highland Park Baptist Church, the chapel platform of Tennessee Temple Schools, to his Men's Bible Class, or at one of many other special services, his messages are always fresh, fervent, and filled with the power of God. In speaking of him, someone has said, "He is truly the Spurgeon of our times."
Dr. Roberson's daily schedule begins with Bible study and prayer at 6:30 in the morning, followed by breakfast and devotions with his family, an soul-long broadcast beginning at 8:30 a.m., and a chapel service at Tennessee Temple Schools at 10:00. His morning hours are also filled with private conferences with church people and students of Tennessee Temple Schools. His daily visitation program takes him into the numerous hospitals of the city as well as homes of the church members.
We praise the Lord for the way in which He has blessed Dr. Roberson's ministry here at the Highland Park Baptist Church.
Pastor Roberson's favorite Scripture...
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." —Romans 8:28
A Brief Biographical Review of Dr. Lee Roberson
From Sword Of The Lord by Marlon W. Smith
Dr. Lee Roberson, pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church and founder of Tennessee Temple Schools died Sunday, April 29, 2007. He was 97.
Dr. Roberson was respected and held in highest esteem as a dynamic leader and a Christian statesman by multiplied thousands of Christians around the world. His reputation was that of an uncompromising stalwart whose consistent message lodged deep in the hearts of those who listened.
The heartbeat of his message could be summed up by his life verse, Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
His legacy as a mighty man of God began in 1942 when he was called to be the pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN. For 40 years and 6 months (1942-1983), Dr. Roberson invested himself wholly in the ministry of the church, the city of Chattanooga and Hamilton County. He was loved as pastor, preacher, confidant and friend by those with whom he came in contact. During his tenure as pastor, more than 61,000 people professed faith in Jesus and followed Him in believer’s Baptism.
In 1946 he founded Tennessee Temple Schools which has trained thousands of pastors, missionaries and Christian workers now serving in churches and ministries worldwide.
Dr. Roberson became well known nationally and internationally as a vibrant and articulate conference speaker. He was one of the founding members of the Southwide Baptist Fellowship and was a regular speaker for many of the National Sword of the Lord Conferences. In his later years, as an evangelist, he preached in thousands of churches across America.
Having been saved at age 14, Dr. Roberson attended Bethel College in Russellville, KY, and went on to the University of Louisville where he graduated with a major in history. He also attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville.
His early years of ministry began in 1932 with a pastorate in Germantown, TN in spite of the urging of his teachers at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music to pursue a career with the opera. Other pastorates include Greenbrier Baptist Church, Greenbrier, TN, and First Baptist Church, Fairfield, AL.
Later he became an evangelist with the Birmingham Baptist Association in Birmingham, AL. While there he met and married Miss Caroline Allen in 1937. She preceded him in death on June 26, 2005.
Dr. and Mrs. Roberson had four children, LeeAnne, John, Joy & June. Their baby, Joy, for whom Camp Joy is named, died in 1946 at the age of two months.
Even to those who were not acquainted with Dr. Roberson, his presence commanded immediate respect. His classic attire, a dark blue, double-breasted suit, starkly contrasted by his snowy white hair, became his trademark.
Dr. Roberson became well known not only by his service to Highland Park Baptist Church and his popularity as a conference speaker and evangelist but also by his proclamations from the pulpit. Some of his best known admonitions to audiences were, “Have faith in God,” “Everything rises or falls on leadership” and “Just keep going down the line.”
Dr. Roberson’s reputation as pastor, preacher, educator and evangelist will not soon be forgotten. For more than 65 years, he was a key leader and one of the most influential preachers in fundamentalism.
Preparing For an Enduring Success
By Adenuga Sunday Joseph
First of all I will want you to understand some important points about what success is not, this is very crucial and important to us as we aspire to get to the top of the ladder in our chosen career. After this I will delve into what I believe success is observing the subject from a general perspective.
Success is not a destination; it is an adventure, a continuous journey that can only end when you successfully make it to heaven.
Success is not luck; you can only get it through hard work and systematic planning.
Success is not money; it is accomplishing your purpose in life. Do you know that some people who have money are not truly successful? I have heard and read about rich people who died lonely, miserable and feeling unaccomplished in life.
Success is not the absence of problems; it is the ability to solve problems that sinks other less determined people in the sea of life.
Success is not been born to a rich family, it is the ability to bring wealth and comfort to a hitherto poor family. Nobody was born a failure or success; we become with time whatever we are now.
Success is the ability to shine out of darkness like God in Genesis 1: 1-3. By this I mean the ability to turn seemingly impossible situation to real time success.
Success is inside you, failure is around you. God is success, and He is inside you see 1John 4: 4 Satan is outside (and around) you and is the cause of every failed attempt. Stop looking around you for success, start looking inward, success is in you, stop looking elsewhere.
Success is your birthright, so prepare for success it is not far-fetched, it is not even around you, it is so near that you can only touch it from the inside of you.
Steps to success:
• Be prayerful. Prayer is the ability to tell God to do for you what you cannot do for yourself. You need to pray all the time to achieve the note-worthy success that you are running after.
• Have a carefully prepared plan of action for each day and work hard to follow all your plans for the day, week, month or year. Nothing leads to success more that following a well prepared plan of action.
• To accomplish the above point, it is a good idea if you can have a list of what you plan to do every day, we call it ‘to do list,’ you need to write down in order of priority the things that you plan to accomplish for the day, week, month and year. You tick each item as they are accomplished, this will help you to have a good appraisal on the progress of your plans.
• Have an attitude to do now anything that must be done. Never postpone any thing that should and could be done, do it now. If you make this your motto, you will succeed beyond any imagination.
Prepare for success by following the above suggestions and you are on your way to everlasting success, wishing you all the best in life.
First of all I will want you to understand some important points about what success is not, this is very crucial and important to us as we aspire to get to the top of the ladder in our chosen career. After this I will delve into what I believe success is observing the subject from a general perspective.
Success is not a destination; it is an adventure, a continuous journey that can only end when you successfully make it to heaven.
Success is not luck; you can only get it through hard work and systematic planning.
Success is not money; it is accomplishing your purpose in life. Do you know that some people who have money are not truly successful? I have heard and read about rich people who died lonely, miserable and feeling unaccomplished in life.
Success is not the absence of problems; it is the ability to solve problems that sinks other less determined people in the sea of life.
Success is not been born to a rich family, it is the ability to bring wealth and comfort to a hitherto poor family. Nobody was born a failure or success; we become with time whatever we are now.
Success is the ability to shine out of darkness like God in Genesis 1: 1-3. By this I mean the ability to turn seemingly impossible situation to real time success.
Success is inside you, failure is around you. God is success, and He is inside you see 1John 4: 4 Satan is outside (and around) you and is the cause of every failed attempt. Stop looking around you for success, start looking inward, success is in you, stop looking elsewhere.
Success is your birthright, so prepare for success it is not far-fetched, it is not even around you, it is so near that you can only touch it from the inside of you.
Steps to success:
• Be prayerful. Prayer is the ability to tell God to do for you what you cannot do for yourself. You need to pray all the time to achieve the note-worthy success that you are running after.
• Have a carefully prepared plan of action for each day and work hard to follow all your plans for the day, week, month or year. Nothing leads to success more that following a well prepared plan of action.
• To accomplish the above point, it is a good idea if you can have a list of what you plan to do every day, we call it ‘to do list,’ you need to write down in order of priority the things that you plan to accomplish for the day, week, month and year. You tick each item as they are accomplished, this will help you to have a good appraisal on the progress of your plans.
• Have an attitude to do now anything that must be done. Never postpone any thing that should and could be done, do it now. If you make this your motto, you will succeed beyond any imagination.
Prepare for success by following the above suggestions and you are on your way to everlasting success, wishing you all the best in life.
God's Intention

By Pastor Adenuga Sunday Joseph
God who created the heavens and the earth loves the earth so much that He created man in His own image to have dominion over everything that He created. He put man in charge of all created beings and things. The earth contains a lot of what we call 'Natural Resources', a lot of different species of birds, animals, insects, fish, plants, trees, land mass, seas, oceans, rivers, mountains of different sizes and heights.
God in His wisdom thinks it right to make man the king of the earth. The Bible says in Psalm 24:1 that "The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein" meaning that God owns the earth, it belongs to Him by right of possession and ownership. When something belongs to you, the right to do with it whatever you choose is exclusively yours.
God decided that man should be in charge of His (God's) earth, to manage it for Him. Man has not failed in this awesome assignment. man has turned this earth to near paradise considering the fact that man started with no house, no clothing, no roads, no cars, no telephones, no books nor ability to read. The only thing man was given was nothing but food and water in the garden of Eden, think about the wisdom God gave to man to turn this world from such empty earth to near paradise of cities like Paris, Hong- Kong, New York, Toronto, Singapore, Kuala-Lumpore, Johannesburg, London, just to mention a few beautiful cities of the world.
Man has done so well in the realm of science and technology that even God will give us pass mark, no doubt. The truth is this, God's intention was not just to have a breakthrough in science and technology but also to do exploit in the spiritual realm. We have failed generally in the area of the spirit, we have not known the Lord who loved us so much, who created us and gave us the wisdom to have dominion over all His earth. We have failed to recognize the one who has called us to head His corporation - earth.
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