By Sunday Joseph Adenuga
The second way to build a free website that will give you a more professional outlook and make your website really be able to get more features is wordpress which is a better platform to have than blogger. You can get to wordpress through this link at, and it will be a very sweet experience for you to start your own very first website all for free with no string attached. I have at least three websites with wordpress, one of them is at you may just click the link and see my own website. I have another one called I encourage you to go to these sites and just see how I have done mine to help you in creating yours to make it even a better looking website than mine. Is is an easy thing to start a wordpress site with little or no guidance from anybody, but you will have to work very hard to understand the terms used and how each gadget works. This is so because it is much more complicated than the blogger platform, you need to understand this, you may need trainning and asistance to master wordpress. Go now to, then click on sign-up button, in the next window, fill in the form and submit it, follow all the instructions to open a website of your own, type in your desired website name something like
Remember that creating a wordpress blog is as easy as A B C, but you have to learn the art of updating the content of your website with fresh contents like articles, pictures, audio messages, or even video recordings of your messages. You do all these from your admin panel called the dashboard as explained in the case of blogger.
I have about thirteen video tutorials that teaches in vivid terms how to set up a word press, customise it with your your graphics, use plugins, and beautiful themes that will make your website looking great and professional. If you like, I can sell the CD to you for only N3700, it sells for N5500 regularly, but to encourage you as a pastor and to contribute to your ministry I bring the price down to N3700 only. If you will have a professional website blog for your church now or in future, you are highly advised to get the CD now. This video tutorial will teach you everything you need to know about wordpress. This video tutorial teaches you how to upload new themes, install plugins, use google analytics and many other features you cannot know or understand unless you are taught. All the 13 video tutorials go for only N3700 for pastors and ministers, it is N5500 for all others.
My bank details are as follows
Bank Name: Guarantte Trust Bank
Account Name: Sunday Joseph Adenuga
Account Number: 405 4452 001590
Make your payment and text me to specify the product paid for to receive your order within 24 hours (through a download link)
You must also know that you can install wordpress blog to your paid domain and hosting account to make life easier for you when setting up your professional website. We will ellaborate on that later.
This audio/video blog is designed to motivate people and fire them up to the love of Jesus. The Bible is the main textbook, and the central theme is success in life and ministries.
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Friday, March 12, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
International Dimension To Your Ministry
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Hi, my name is Sunday Joseph Adenuga, I am the Senior Pastor and Founder of The Success Dimension Church, Ibadan, Nigeria. When God called me, He gave me a mandate to teach people how to succeed in spite of any difficulties they may ever be going through in their lives. This implies that I have the mandate, the ministry and the assignment to help as many people as I can to make a success of their lives despite problems, difficulties or challenges that they may be facing at the moment.
This is a clear call, but I have a challenge, and it is this, how do I get many people around the world to hear this good news? I have the cure for people's problems but nobody knows I have the solution, how do I get people to know that I have God's word that can bring them success in the midst of their difficulties? I know that Radio and Television are a great means of blasting my beliefs and teachings to the world but they are too expensive and unaffordable for me at this initial stage of my ministry. I thought for a while and then decided to begin the production of a quarterly magazine which I distributed free of charge, but due to financial limitation at that time, I could only reach my immediate environment, but my target was the whole world.
I knew it was time to do something as fast as possible to get the message out to those going through difficult times that they too can succeed in spite of difficulties. I needed to reach the whole world with the message, to teach as many people as I can the principles God asked me to teach them that will surely help them to succeed in spite of any difficulties they may be going through in life.
At a point in time the idea of Internet Ministry came to my heart, even though I did not have a personal Internet ready computer, I could still have an Online Ministry to the people around the world by using the available cybercafes around me. Thank God I now have my own internet ready computer, if you don't have you can start the way I started - using cybercafe. I knew it would favor me, it would be able to do the following if only I can invest some little amount of money and time:
(1) Have a free website/blog to post all my teachings
(2) Another website free or paid to show the world all my ministry activities
(3) Preach on video for free and have people anywhere in the world with computer and internet access to see my video presentations and hear my messages of hope.
(4) Have an audio recordings of my sermons uploaded to my website and ready to be listened to by people around the world.
(5) Sell my stuff on the internet to earn Dollars or Naira. I can sell e-books, real books, video or audio messages on CDs and DVDs or downloadable, the opportunity is vast.
(6) And many more benefit.
With the above information, I ventured into online ministry and the story of my life have changed ever since. Right now I enjoy all the above facilities, people phone me from all over the world after hearing and seeing me preach on the internet. God have used this internet ministry in my hand to bless many people around the world, more than 5000 people have downloaded my book "Winning In Life's Battles" other books have also been given freely, and many people are sending mails to thank me for allowing God to make me a blessing to them. Many are now happy and willing to support my ministry and offerings are now coming in through foreign currencies like Dollars and Pound Sterling, praise God.
I have packaged this same product for you Pastor, Missionary, Evangelist or even Singer to help you start your very own online ministry with little or no stress. The packaged is now on CD and can be downloaded to your computer hard drive through the internet. After reading through some of these materials, you will be able to start your own website in less than ten minutes from now, begin your own audio and video internet production and like me be a blessing to your generation all around the world. No longer will distance be a barrier to reaching people all over the world. If you buy into this package now, you will be able to do the following:
1.Have a website called 'blog' where you will be able to publish your articles, audio messages and printed sermons as often as you may ever want to publish it all for free
2.Have another website where you will be able to post or send your videos, recorded messages for the viewing pleasure of the internet public, and remember that about 850 million people are actively using the internet on the daily basis
3.Show you tricks on how to get people to come visiting your website and read your blog articles which are full of your messages and beliefs.
4.Teach you how to make little money here and there with your free websites
5.Give you information on how to update your weblog and get fresh ideas published without stress.
6.Teach you how to sell your audio and video messages online, and how to collect your money in Naira and even in dollars if that is what you want.
7.Show you how to use the power of social networking website to popularize your church and your website.
8.And many more.
Ministers of God and Singers should especially go for this package, you will mail me to thank me and appreciate me for showing you this secret.
To get the downloaded version will cost you just N5700 payable to my account (see instruction below). You will be able to download this version immediately your payment is confirmed by us. If you need the CD sent to you via courier then just pay the sum of N7500 to my account and you will get the CD in 3 to 4 days of confirmation of your payment.
Pay now to Guarantee Trust Bank (any branch) to Account Name: Sunday Joseph Adenuga and Account Number: 405 445 2001 590 After payment, send by text message or e-mail your name, amount paid, e-mail address, teller number to my phone number 08054041462 or e-mail address
Get your copy now because this is an introductory price and will go up without notice. Invest this token amount to your ministry and reap the dividend that you will continue to enjoy to eternity.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
What Success Really Mean?
By Sunday Joseph Adenuga
There are many definitions of Success as there are many people on the face of the earth. The idea that I am trying to sell to you in this book is summarized as follows, “You too can become as successful as you ever desired.”
Success is the ability to set a goal and accomplish it in record time. The synonyms of success are achievement, accomplishment, victory, triumph, hit the target, winner, sensation, and so on. The opposite of it is failure. What one considers a success, another may see as nothing meaningful or important. For example, a man that set out to climb Mount Everest is going to consider himself a success only after climbing the highest mountain on planet earth. Failure to accomplish this feat will point out to our man that he has not succeeded yet. Though presently, he may be a millionaire, but something is lacking, a goal yet to be fulfilled, this will cause a lot of heartache until that mountain is subdued, he doesn’t see himself as a success. As long as he has not climbed the great mountain, he continues to battle, plan and re-plan so that he can eventually succeed. To me, climbing Mount Everest is nothing of value to (because my interest is in something else), but it means a lot to our man who has set a goal to conquer the greatest mountain on earth.
Success therefore is the accomplishment of a purpose (or goal) that brings fulfillment, joy and satisfaction to a man. We must remember also that what a man consider a success, another man may see as a child’s play. When I was growing up (as a youth in the secondary school), I use to consider as nun-serious those other students whose goal in life was to excel and become stars in the field of sports. Every time they went out for practice was wasted as far as I was concerned then. Little did I know that with each practice, they were getting nearer to their life’s purpose and goal; they were getting nearer to their success; they were accomplishing their life’s vision as they went out early in the morning. I remember that I always pitied them and their parents for such waste of time, now I know better.
Success is not just accumulating a lot of money (although many people consider those who are rich as successful): Many strikingly rich people actually died lonely and unfulfilled in life. Many of them have been further destroyed because of large volume of money they do not know how to manage due to lack of vision. Success brings true joy (it is not money that brings joy), I have seen many people who are not so rich who have a lot of sense of accomplishment in life. I know that a truly successful person cannot remain poor in life, but I also know that money is not the only yardstick to measure how successful any person is in this life.
Success is not a destination but an adventure that continues to get better each day as you discover more secrets of how to better achieve your set goals with ease.
Success is not luck or winning large amount of money in a lottery, neither is it a gift. Many lucky winners of such lotteries have ended up really broke and some have died most miserable and shameful death because of their inability to maintain such life of affluence that they got from winning lotteries. Friends, sudden wealth has led more people to early grave than poverty. Poverty has helped more people to be wiser and better in life than sudden wealth. In fact, sudden wealth is very dangerous and should not be sought after. Go for real success that comes out of hard work and careful planning.
Success is not an inheritance. Although some inherited wealth is enough to sustain you to a life of affluence till the day of your death. Real success builds on the inherited wealth by hard-work. You cannot afford to sit down and enjoy someone's success without any input of your own. See Proverbs 20:21.
An inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed.
When you work hard your inheritance will give you more success, and it shall be blessed at the end. Inheritance can give you wealth only God can give you true success, see also Ecclesiastes 7:11
Wisdom is good with an inheritance: by it there is profit to them that see the sun.
Success is not traveling abroad. Remember that if you travel, you have to work twice as hard as you will at home to make anything of note because you are now in a foreign land. Except the Lord specifically is calling you out to do something definite and productive in raising other people's lives in the foreign land, then the whole effort of traveling may be meaningless.
That your friend has traveled abroad doesn't make him to be more successful than you. If traveling is your goal and the thing that will add to your joy and give you a sense of fulfillment in life then go for it. The only point is this when you get there, do all you can to help as many people as you possibly can.
Success is not just becoming the leader of a group, organization or nation. Many leaders are not truly successful; we’ve had leaders like Adolf Hitler in this world that killed about two million Jews, his end was shrouded in mystery.
Success is not being born to a rich family, it is the ability to bring wealth and comfort to a hitherto poor family and help poor friends.
Success is not popularity or acceptability of an individual in the society, although true success always attracts many people; most of them are ready to idolize the successful one. Such successful people always know how to manage the praise of men without allowing it to get to their head.
Success is discovering God’s goal and purpose for your life and pursuing the same until you have accomplished it to the maximum, and make a mark in that God’s chosen purpose for your life.
Success is inside you, failure is around you. God is Success and He is in you so says the Bible, see 1John 4:4. Satan is outside you and he is author of failure, look inward and you will discover success. Success is in you, don't look elsewhere.
Success is the ability to exhaust your entire God given talents and gifts to make this world a better place than you met it. We are talking here about the real meaning of success, it is the ability to put smiles on the faces of those whose lives touch yours; it is the ability to make men (and women) better than you met them. No matter how rich you are, if you make people bitter instead of better than you met them, then with all your money, you are a big failure.
A successful life is that which leaves others with a desire to do something worthwhile with their own lives too. I assert again that success is beyond the accumulation of wealth; it is the ability to raise up many other successful men. It is the ability to produce many other millionaires. The success of Moses became established as he was able to produce a Joshua (a successor), Elijah produced an Elisha. Jesus, the greatest success that ever happened to mankind has raised us up as successful disciples of His. We are destined by His word to tread upon serpents and scorpions; we are the ones that will put the devil to shame in these last days. Jesus Christ is alive through us in this generation; we are the miracle workers; and we are called to do those things that He Himself had done when He was here on the earth. See John 14: 12
Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do: because I go to my father.
The greater work or success your successor makes, the greater your success. When your successor cannot do greater works than you, then your success is not everlasting. A success without a successor is a failure in disguise. Are you surprised at that statement? If you succeed beyond measure, and have billions of dollars, when you die, except you have a good successor, all those wealth will be squandered and wasted. If you want to know how successful Jesus was, look around you, every Christian you see is a testimony to the success of Jesus. What? Jesus who neither bought a land, nor build a house, nor own a car. He didn’t even own a donkey not to talk of owning a fast horse, yet he is the greatest man that ever lived. Why is this so? Because he has millions of successors, those who carry on His God given purpose on earth. The purpose of destroying the works of the devil in the lives of innocent people who are bound by the forces of evil. This wonderful Jesus did not get married, produced no biological children, yet have turned many sons of men to become sons of God. We are changed from ordinary mortal to supernatural beings, we are giving to have the very life of God, we are translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God and now the kingdom of God is within us. What a great success Jesus is.
To be the president of U.S or Nigeria is a success, but you see that is just the beginning of the show of success. Performing your duties in such a way that many people’s lives will be better because you are president is the REAL SUCCESS that we are talking about in this article.
There are many definitions of Success as there are many people on the face of the earth. The idea that I am trying to sell to you in this book is summarized as follows, “You too can become as successful as you ever desired.”
Success is the ability to set a goal and accomplish it in record time. The synonyms of success are achievement, accomplishment, victory, triumph, hit the target, winner, sensation, and so on. The opposite of it is failure. What one considers a success, another may see as nothing meaningful or important. For example, a man that set out to climb Mount Everest is going to consider himself a success only after climbing the highest mountain on planet earth. Failure to accomplish this feat will point out to our man that he has not succeeded yet. Though presently, he may be a millionaire, but something is lacking, a goal yet to be fulfilled, this will cause a lot of heartache until that mountain is subdued, he doesn’t see himself as a success. As long as he has not climbed the great mountain, he continues to battle, plan and re-plan so that he can eventually succeed. To me, climbing Mount Everest is nothing of value to (because my interest is in something else), but it means a lot to our man who has set a goal to conquer the greatest mountain on earth.
Success therefore is the accomplishment of a purpose (or goal) that brings fulfillment, joy and satisfaction to a man. We must remember also that what a man consider a success, another man may see as a child’s play. When I was growing up (as a youth in the secondary school), I use to consider as nun-serious those other students whose goal in life was to excel and become stars in the field of sports. Every time they went out for practice was wasted as far as I was concerned then. Little did I know that with each practice, they were getting nearer to their life’s purpose and goal; they were getting nearer to their success; they were accomplishing their life’s vision as they went out early in the morning. I remember that I always pitied them and their parents for such waste of time, now I know better.
Success is not just accumulating a lot of money (although many people consider those who are rich as successful): Many strikingly rich people actually died lonely and unfulfilled in life. Many of them have been further destroyed because of large volume of money they do not know how to manage due to lack of vision. Success brings true joy (it is not money that brings joy), I have seen many people who are not so rich who have a lot of sense of accomplishment in life. I know that a truly successful person cannot remain poor in life, but I also know that money is not the only yardstick to measure how successful any person is in this life.
Success is not a destination but an adventure that continues to get better each day as you discover more secrets of how to better achieve your set goals with ease.
Success is not luck or winning large amount of money in a lottery, neither is it a gift. Many lucky winners of such lotteries have ended up really broke and some have died most miserable and shameful death because of their inability to maintain such life of affluence that they got from winning lotteries. Friends, sudden wealth has led more people to early grave than poverty. Poverty has helped more people to be wiser and better in life than sudden wealth. In fact, sudden wealth is very dangerous and should not be sought after. Go for real success that comes out of hard work and careful planning.
Success is not an inheritance. Although some inherited wealth is enough to sustain you to a life of affluence till the day of your death. Real success builds on the inherited wealth by hard-work. You cannot afford to sit down and enjoy someone's success without any input of your own. See Proverbs 20:21.
An inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed.
When you work hard your inheritance will give you more success, and it shall be blessed at the end. Inheritance can give you wealth only God can give you true success, see also Ecclesiastes 7:11
Wisdom is good with an inheritance: by it there is profit to them that see the sun.
Success is not traveling abroad. Remember that if you travel, you have to work twice as hard as you will at home to make anything of note because you are now in a foreign land. Except the Lord specifically is calling you out to do something definite and productive in raising other people's lives in the foreign land, then the whole effort of traveling may be meaningless.
That your friend has traveled abroad doesn't make him to be more successful than you. If traveling is your goal and the thing that will add to your joy and give you a sense of fulfillment in life then go for it. The only point is this when you get there, do all you can to help as many people as you possibly can.
Success is not just becoming the leader of a group, organization or nation. Many leaders are not truly successful; we’ve had leaders like Adolf Hitler in this world that killed about two million Jews, his end was shrouded in mystery.
Success is not being born to a rich family, it is the ability to bring wealth and comfort to a hitherto poor family and help poor friends.
Success is not popularity or acceptability of an individual in the society, although true success always attracts many people; most of them are ready to idolize the successful one. Such successful people always know how to manage the praise of men without allowing it to get to their head.
Success is discovering God’s goal and purpose for your life and pursuing the same until you have accomplished it to the maximum, and make a mark in that God’s chosen purpose for your life.
Success is inside you, failure is around you. God is Success and He is in you so says the Bible, see 1John 4:4. Satan is outside you and he is author of failure, look inward and you will discover success. Success is in you, don't look elsewhere.
Success is the ability to exhaust your entire God given talents and gifts to make this world a better place than you met it. We are talking here about the real meaning of success, it is the ability to put smiles on the faces of those whose lives touch yours; it is the ability to make men (and women) better than you met them. No matter how rich you are, if you make people bitter instead of better than you met them, then with all your money, you are a big failure.
A successful life is that which leaves others with a desire to do something worthwhile with their own lives too. I assert again that success is beyond the accumulation of wealth; it is the ability to raise up many other successful men. It is the ability to produce many other millionaires. The success of Moses became established as he was able to produce a Joshua (a successor), Elijah produced an Elisha. Jesus, the greatest success that ever happened to mankind has raised us up as successful disciples of His. We are destined by His word to tread upon serpents and scorpions; we are the ones that will put the devil to shame in these last days. Jesus Christ is alive through us in this generation; we are the miracle workers; and we are called to do those things that He Himself had done when He was here on the earth. See John 14: 12
Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do: because I go to my father.
The greater work or success your successor makes, the greater your success. When your successor cannot do greater works than you, then your success is not everlasting. A success without a successor is a failure in disguise. Are you surprised at that statement? If you succeed beyond measure, and have billions of dollars, when you die, except you have a good successor, all those wealth will be squandered and wasted. If you want to know how successful Jesus was, look around you, every Christian you see is a testimony to the success of Jesus. What? Jesus who neither bought a land, nor build a house, nor own a car. He didn’t even own a donkey not to talk of owning a fast horse, yet he is the greatest man that ever lived. Why is this so? Because he has millions of successors, those who carry on His God given purpose on earth. The purpose of destroying the works of the devil in the lives of innocent people who are bound by the forces of evil. This wonderful Jesus did not get married, produced no biological children, yet have turned many sons of men to become sons of God. We are changed from ordinary mortal to supernatural beings, we are giving to have the very life of God, we are translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God and now the kingdom of God is within us. What a great success Jesus is.
To be the president of U.S or Nigeria is a success, but you see that is just the beginning of the show of success. Performing your duties in such a way that many people’s lives will be better because you are president is the REAL SUCCESS that we are talking about in this article.
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