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Friday, March 12, 2010

Expressing Ministry With Wordpress

By Sunday Joseph Adenuga

The second way to build a free website that will give you a more professional outlook and make your website really be able to get more features is wordpress which is a better platform to have than blogger. You can get to wordpress through this link at, and it will be a very sweet experience for you to start your own very first website all for free with no string attached. I have at least three websites with wordpress, one of them is at you may just click the link and see my own website. I have another one called I encourage you to go to these sites and just see how I have done mine to help you in creating yours to make it even a better looking website than mine. Is is an easy thing to start a wordpress site with little or no guidance from anybody, but you will have to work very hard to understand the terms used and how each gadget works. This is so because it is much more complicated than the blogger platform, you need to understand this, you may need trainning and asistance to master wordpress. Go now to, then click on sign-up button, in the next window, fill in the form and submit it, follow all the instructions to open a website of your own, type in your desired website name something like

Remember that creating a wordpress blog is as easy as A B C, but you have to learn the art of updating the content of your website with fresh contents like articles, pictures, audio messages, or even video recordings of your messages. You do all these from your admin panel called the dashboard as explained in the case of blogger.

I have about thirteen video tutorials that teaches in vivid terms how to set up a word press, customise it with your your graphics, use plugins, and beautiful themes that will make your website looking great and professional. If you like, I can sell the CD to you for only N3700, it sells for N5500 regularly, but to encourage you as a pastor and to contribute to your ministry I bring the price down to N3700 only. If you will have a professional website blog for your church now or in future, you are highly advised to get the CD now. This video tutorial will teach you everything you need to know about wordpress. This video tutorial teaches you how to upload new themes, install plugins, use google analytics and many other features you cannot know or understand unless you are taught. All the 13 video tutorials go for only N3700 for pastors and ministers, it is N5500 for all others.

My bank details are as follows
Bank Name: Guarantte Trust Bank
Account Name: Sunday Joseph Adenuga
Account Number: 405 4452 001590
Make your payment and text me to specify the product paid for to receive your order within 24 hours (through a download link)

You must also know that you can install wordpress blog to your paid domain and hosting account to make life easier for you when setting up your professional website. We will ellaborate on that later.